Picture of the Month – The Vision of the Shepherds

The Vision of the Shepherds by William Holman Hunt

The Vision of the Shepherds by William Holman Hunt

The  Vision of the Shepherds by  William Holman Hunt (1827-1910) is in the medium of powder colour and was donated to the museum in 1947.  It was recently exhibited as part of the Pre-Raphaelites and Friends at the Holt Festival 2011.

William Holman Hunt was one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood of painters.  This painting shows Hunt’s artistic attention to detail, vivid colour and religious symbolism. 

 This painting was chosen as Picture of the  Month by Jo, who picked it because  she liked the bright use of  colours and elaborate symbolism of the artist who wanted to bring religious paintings up to date and this picture captures this ideal.

This painting can be seen at Northampton Museum and Art Gallery throughout October 2011.